Tuesday, June 5, 2007


My daughter and I went to her doctor's appointment yesterday. She goes every three months for blood work and check ups. Everything still looks great and her levels are so low it's almost undetectable, which is great. We received some very interesting news while there. They told us that my daughter is to get a "wish." A wish. From the Make a Wish Foundation. That floors me. I never thought of us in that position I guess. I read up on their foundation and can't believe what a generous organization. I knew they were, don't get me wrong, but never fully understood the magnamity of what it is they do. They do not turn down any child who has a terminal illness. None. Every one is granted a wish. That overwhelms me. It's also hard to think that she is deemed "worthy" of a wish. She's a child. A five year old child in every way "normal." It's hard to think of her in the terminal reality of her life. And the weight of the "wish" falls mostly at my feet. She has no idea of the scope of what is "available," of the world around her. This wish does not have to happen now. It could be the next year or two, or more. I take as my responsibility to teach her about things in the world she may be interested in wishing for. A trip? To where? Why would she want to go there? Something to have? But what? We have so much compared to so many. Someone to meet? I asked her this and she grinned big and said "God!?" She doesn't have "idols" at 5 (except Ariel whom she's met.) Something to be? No ideals there as yet. I look for ideas. I want it to be her wish, not mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog and I admire your love and courageousness. We are going to pursue foster parenting and perhaps adoption, so it is good to hear what it is like to have a child with HIV. Not as scary as i though...